Yoga and the Soul

“You yourself are eternity; you yourself are infinity; you yourself are immortality.”  –Amma Shri Karunamayi

If you are reading this, like me, you’ve encountered the rare and precious gift of being born as a human. Like many great wisdom traditions around the world, yoga teaches us that “I” and you are simply soul manifested in the form of a human— energy descended into matter.

Not only have you been blessed with this human experience, but you’ve also found the path of yoga and dharma. The greatest blessing and purpose of this human experience is for the heart to open and the soul to evolve— to become Self-Aware. There are many paths to this one Truth; and from the fruits of positive karma from countless lives, you’ve been blessed to find the incredible path of yoga. In the shape of a human, you’ve been blessed with conscious awareness, the capacity to Be and recognize your own existence, to and the ability to realize or remember who you really are at your essence.

The timeless teachings of yoga teach us that we are Atman— immortal and eternal, embodiments of Spirit. The soul is the absolute essence of you— it is who you really are. The soul is the True Self; your True Nature. It is the answer and Truth to one of the greatest questions yoga asks us— “Who Am I?” And when we trace this question back to it’s source, we find the simple but profound Bliss of Nothingness, Oneness and Infinity simultaneously. We discover that who we really are is Pure Divinity, Infinity, Immortality— Pure Bliss.

You are pure Consciousness, pure Energy, pure Being. You are timeless. Boundless and Eternal. You are a piece of Spirit or God or Source—a spark of divine light and love, a fragment of Absolute Perfection.

This same essence resides in all living Beings everywhere. In this way we are the same. There is Oneness only. This is the meaning of Namaste— recognizing and bowing to the divinity, the Love, the Absolute Consciousness and Perfection that exists within all Beings, and witnessing and serving all beings as embodiments and manifestations of the Spirit that we all Are.

Like you, all is Spirit. All is Love. All is One. All that you see in this world is Spirit manifest. All of this is the phenomenal expression of Divinity. Life’s joy, sorrows, happiness, challenges and grief is all perfect—for Life will always give us the gift of precisely what we need in each and every moment for our hearts to open and our soul to evolve. May we see with the eyes of Love, speak with the words of Love, and act from Love’s Grace. May we see Spirit in the eyes of all Beings. And remember our unity always.

“Life on this Earth teaches everyone many lessons. The wise ones take these lessons to heart and experience inner awakening.” – Amma Shri Karunamayi

One of the greatest gifts of this human experience is that the soul that we are evolves— through the experiences of life, mundane, joyful and challenging. All these experiences are the fruits of previous karmas that are written in the contract of our soul for this lifetime. This is the gift of Being here— to experience life as it is. To be as we are— steeping in the Perfection of each and every moment. Resting in the Bliss of who we really are. To awaken to the Truth of where we’ve come from, where we’re going, and why we’re here. To remember Reality so we may all come home to the Love that is our True Nature.

May you enjoy the bliss of this human experience. May you enjoy this moment exactly as it is in it’s absolute perfection—as it is the only one there is and has ever been. May you rise up to the challenges of life— allow all experiences, and people you encounter to be your teachers so your soul may evolve and awaken to the Truth. Meditate to deepen your remembrance of your own Divine Nature.

Devote your time while in this temple of flesh and bone to Awakening; Remembering; Realizing your own Divinity— so you may be truly Happy and Free.

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